Dell Server 2450 User Manual

ꢀꢁꢂꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇꢁ ꢈꢉꢊꢁꢃꢄꢋꢌꢍꢎꢏꢐꢑꢒꢁꢓꢑ  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇꢀꢃꢁ ꢈꢉꢊꢆꢇꢋ  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢆꢇ ꢇꢈꢉꢊ ꢋꢌꢍꢎꢅꢍꢏꢐꢑꢒꢌꢏꢓꢔꢀꢀꢁꢂꢃꢁꢄꢁꢅꢆꢇꢁꢃꢁ ꢈꢉꢊꢋꢌꢍꢃꢍꢌꢃꢎꢏꢐꢑꢒꢓꢋꢍꢃꢔꢕꢖꢗꢘꢙꢔꢚꢃꢔꢕꢛꢜꢐꢋꢔꢚꢃꢔꢕꢖꢗꢘꢝꢍꢚ !ꢉ  
ꢀꢁꢂꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇꢁ ꢈꢉꢊꢁꢃꢄꢋꢌꢍꢎꢄꢏꢐꢑꢒꢁꢓꢑꢄ  
ꢔꢕꢖꢆ ꢓꢗꢒꢘꢆꢕꢄꢙꢚꢉꢗꢒꢁ  
This document updates information on the following topics for your  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 system:  
Installing and removing expansion cards  
Small computer system interface (SCSI) hard-disk drive support  
Installing an upgrade microprocessor in PowerEdge 2450 systems  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢅꢆꢁꢇ ꢄꢁꢈ ꢉꢊꢋꢌꢍꢆꢁꢇ ꢄꢁ  
ꢎꢏꢐꢄꢁꢂꢆꢌꢁ ꢑꢄꢒꢈ  
To install an expansion card, perform the following steps.  
$ %ꢀꢃꢀ&ꢆꢇ'ꢎꢘꢓꢑꢎꢇꢙꢓꢚꢇꢒꢎꢑꢘꢓꢑꢕꢇꢍꢐꢈꢏꢇꢒꢑꢓꢋꢎꢊꢚꢑꢎ"ꢇꢙꢓꢚꢇꢕꢚꢏꢍꢇꢍꢚꢑꢉꢇꢓꢘꢘꢇꢍꢐꢎꢇꢏꢙꢏꢍꢎꢕꢇ  
ꢌꢉꢊꢇꢊꢈꢏꢋꢓꢉꢉꢎꢋꢍꢇꢈꢍꢇꢘꢑꢓꢕꢇꢈꢍꢏꢇ ꢄꢇꢒꢓꢗꢎꢑꢇꢏꢓꢚꢑꢋꢎꢝꢇ(ꢓꢑꢇꢕꢓꢑꢎꢇꢈꢉꢘꢓꢑꢕꢌꢍꢈꢓꢉ"ꢇꢏꢎꢎꢇꢍꢐꢎꢇ  
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the sys-  
tem from the electrical outlet.  
2. Prepare the expansion card for installation, and open the system doors.  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ)ꢎꢎꢇ*+ꢑꢓꢍꢎꢋꢍꢈꢉꢖꢇ ꢖꢌꢈꢉꢏꢍꢇꢅꢔꢎꢋꢍꢑꢓꢏꢍꢌꢍꢈꢋꢇ,ꢈꢏꢋꢐꢌꢑꢖꢎ-ꢇꢈꢉꢇꢍꢐꢎꢇꢏꢌꢘꢎꢍꢙꢇ  
See the documentation that came with the expansion card for information on  
configuring the card, making internal connections, or otherwise customizing the  
card for your system.  
3. Check any cables connected to expansion cards through the back-panel open-  
ings. Disconnect any cables that will not reach to where the cage must be placed  
upon removal from the chassis.  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
securing lever  
expansion-card cage  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢇꢈꢆꢆꢉꢅꢊꢋꢌꢁꢍꢂꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆꢐꢑꢒꢓꢍꢔꢁꢋꢍ ꢕꢓꢄꢖꢆꢕꢓꢂꢅ  
4. Locate the expansion-card cage securing lever (see Figure 1-1). Rotate the lever  
upward until it stops in an upright position.  
5. Lift the expansion-card cage up and away from the chassis.  
6. Open the expansion-card latch (see Figure 1-2) and remove the filler bracket from  
the expansion slot.  
expansion-card latch  
expansion card  
card guide  
card-edge connector  
expansion-card connector  
expansion-card cage  
riser board  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢗꢈꢆꢆꢘꢍꢔꢎꢓꢙꢙꢁꢍꢂꢆꢓꢍꢆꢐꢑꢒꢓꢍꢔꢁꢋꢍꢆꢕꢓꢄꢖ  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
7. Install the new expansion card.  
Position the expansion-card cage so that the riser board lies horizontally on your  
work surface.  
Insert the card-edge connector firmly into the expansion-card connector on the  
riser board, until the card is fully seated.  
8. When the card is seated in the connector and the card-mounting bracket is  
aligned with the brackets on either side of it, close the expansion-card latch.  
9. If the expansion card is a full-length card, secure the inner end of the card by  
closing the latch on the card guide over the top edge of the card.  
10. With the securing lever in the upright position, lower the expansion-card cage  
into place until it is aligned.  
11. Rotate the securing lever downward until it is flush with the top of the chassis.  
Make sure the riser board is fully seated in the RISER connector on the system  
12. Reconnect any cables you removed in step 3.  
See the documentation that came with the card for information about its cable  
13. Close the system doors, and then reconnect the system and peripherals to their  
AC power sources and turn them on.  
To remove an expansion card, perform the following steps:  
1. To release the expansion card from the card cage, rotate the expansion-card latch  
away from the expansion-card bracket.  
2. If the expansion card is a full-length card, release the card's inner end by opening  
the tab on the card guide (see Figure 1-2).  
3. Grasp the expansion card by its top corners, and carefully remove it from the  
expansion-card connector.  
4. If you are removing the card permanently, install a metal filler bracket over the  
empty card-slot opening.  
NOTE: Installing a filler bracket over an empty expansion slot is necessary to  
maintain Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification of the system.  
The brackets also keep dust and dirt out of the system and aid in proper cooling  
and airflow inside the system.  
5. Replace the expansion-card cage in the chassis as instructed in steps 10 through  
12 of the previous procedure.  
6. Close the system doors, and then reconnect the system and peripherals to their  
AC power sources and turn them on.  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
ꢓꢑꢓꢀ ꢔꢄꢒꢈꢕꢖꢆꢂꢗ ꢖꢒꢆꢍꢊ ꢓꢘꢐꢐꢌꢒꢃ  
Your systems integrated SCSI host adapter supports the Ultra3 (also known as  
Ultra160) SCSI standard as defined by the SCSI Trade Association. The Ultra3 SCSI  
standard supports a combination of new SCSI performance and manageability  
enhancements to increase data throughput up to 160 megabytes per second  
(MB/sec). For specific information about the Ultra3 SCSI standard, see the SCSI Trade  
Association Web site at  
Your system employs an implementation of Ultra3 (Ultra160) known as Ultra160/m.  
The Ultra160/m and Ultra3 (Ultra160) drives supplied by Dell are identical and are  
The subsections describing SCSI and redundant array of independent disks (RAID)  
settings in “Using the System Setup Program,” of your Dell PowerEdge 2450  
Systems Users Guide have been combined to read as follows:  
SCSI/RAID Controller  
Selections are RAID Enabled, SCSI Enabled, and Off. When you set the  
SCSI/RAID Controller to RAID Enabled, Channel A displays RAID and  
Channel B displays SCSI. When you set it to SCSI Enabled, Channel A and  
Channel B display SCSI. When you set it to Off, Channel A and Channel B  
display Off.  
When installing the SCSI backplane daughter card as addressed in “Installing Hard-  
Disk Drives,” of the Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Installation and Troubleshooting  
Guide, make sure to slide in the daughter card until it clicks and then lock the card into  
place by closing the retention lever on the cards front edge.  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢅꢆꢁꢇ ꢄꢁ ꢙꢐꢇꢒꢄꢈꢊ ꢚꢆꢛꢒꢌꢐꢒꢌꢛꢊꢂꢂꢌꢒ ꢆꢁ  
ꢜꢌꢝꢊꢒꢎꢈꢇꢊ  !"# ꢓ$ꢂꢃꢊꢋꢂ  
This section provides instructions for:  
Removing the single edge contact (SEC) cartridge and heat sink  
Installing the new SEC cartridge and heat sink  
ꢑꢎꢃ ꢉꢊꢂꢇꢁꢋꢉꢎꢒꢆꢓꢃꢉꢄꢊꢎꢃꢄ  
Before you perform any of the procedures in this section, take a few moments to read  
the following warning for your personal safety and to prevent damage to the system  
from electrostatic discharge (ESD).  
$ %ꢀꢃꢀ&ꢆꢇ(ꢓꢔꢔꢓꢗꢇꢍꢐꢎꢏꢎꢇꢏꢍꢎꢒꢏꢇꢋꢌꢑꢎꢘꢚꢔꢔꢙꢇꢍꢓꢇꢎꢉꢏꢚꢑꢎꢇꢙꢓꢚꢑꢇꢒꢎꢑꢏꢓꢉꢌꢔꢇꢏꢌꢘꢎꢍꢙꢇꢌꢉꢊꢇ  
Before you start to work on the system, perform the following steps in the  
sequence listed:  
1. Turn off your system and any devices.  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
2. Ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface on the chassis, such as  
the metal around the card-slot openings at the back of the system, before touch-  
ing anything inside your system.  
While you work, periodically touch an unpainted metal surface on the system  
chassis to dissipate any static electricity that might harm internal components.  
3. Disconnect your system and devices from their power sources. Also, disconnect  
any telephone or telecommunication lines from the system.  
Doing so reduces the potential for personal injury or shock.  
In addition, take note of these safety guidelines when appropriate:  
When you disconnect a cable, pull on its connector or on its strain-relief loop,  
not on the cable itself. Some cables have a connector with locking tabs; if  
you are disconnecting this type of cable, press in on the locking tabs before  
disconnecting the cable. As you pull connectors apart, keep them evenly aligned  
to avoid bending any connector pins. Also, before you connect a cable, make sure  
both connectors are correctly oriented and aligned.  
Handle components and cards with care. Dont touch the components or  
contacts on a card. Hold a card by its edges or by its metal mounting bracket.  
Hold a component such as a microprocessor chip by its edges, not by its pins.  
ꢏꢙꢏꢍꢎꢕꢇꢙꢓꢚꢇꢌꢑꢎꢇꢈꢉꢏꢍꢌꢔꢔꢈꢉꢖꢇꢐꢌꢏꢇꢌꢇ3441ꢕꢎꢖꢌꢐꢎꢑꢍ!ꢇ567!8ꢇꢃꢉꢍꢎꢔ +ꢎꢉꢍꢈꢚꢕ ꢇꢃꢃꢃꢇ  
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Before shutting down your system, perform these preliminary steps:  
Record the system configuration settings.  
Update the embedded server management (ESM) firmware.  
Update the basic input/output system (BIOS), if necessary.  
Use the resource configuration utility (RCU) diskette to save the RCU configura-  
tion settings (see your Users Guide for complete information).  
During the upgrade procedure, you must use a wrist-grounding strap for ESD  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢈꢉꢊꢁꢈꢋꢌꢍꢉꢁꢎꢈꢏꢃꢇꢐꢆ ꢑꢄꢒꢉꢆꢃꢇ  
View the system configuration screens in the System Setup program and make a  
record of the settings.  
ꢓꢔꢅꢒꢉꢆꢇ ꢈꢉꢊꢁꢈꢕꢋꢖꢈꢗꢆꢄꢎꢘꢒꢄꢁ  
If an ESM firmware diskette is included with the upgrade kit, update your ESM firm-  
ware with the version contained on that diskette by performing the following steps.  
The latest version of the ESM firmware is available at  
1. Insert the ESM firmware diskette into the diskette drive.  
2. Reboot the system.  
3. Follow the instructions on the screen after the system completes the boot  
The message ꢀꢁꢂꢂꢃꢄꢄꢅꢁꢆꢆꢇ ꢈꢉꢊꢋꢆꢃꢌꢃꢍ ꢎꢉꢏꢃ appears on the screen.  
4. Remove the ESM firmware diskette from the diskette drive and follow the  
instructions on the screen to reboot the system.  
ꢓꢔꢅꢒꢉꢆꢇ ꢈꢉꢊꢁꢈꢙꢚꢛꢋ  
If a BIOS diskette is included with the kit, update your BIOS with the version con-  
tained on that diskette by performing the following steps. The latest version of the  
BIOS is available at  
1. Insert the BIOS diskette into the diskette drive.  
2. Reboot the system.  
3. Follow the instructions on the screen after the system completes the boot  
4. After the message ꢐꢑꢒꢀ ꢓꢔꢄ ꢕꢃꢃꢏ ꢄꢁꢂꢂꢃꢄꢄꢅꢁꢆꢆꢇ ꢖꢏꢄꢌꢔꢆꢆꢃꢍ appears on  
the screen, remove the BIOS diskette from the diskette drive and follow the  
instructions on the screen to reboot the system.  
ꢋꢒꢜꢆꢇ ꢈꢀꢏꢓꢈꢏꢃꢇꢐꢆ ꢑꢄꢒꢉꢆꢃꢇꢈꢋꢁꢉꢉꢆꢇ ꢍ  
Use the RCU diskette provided with the kit to save the current system configuration  
settings by performing the following steps:  
1. Insert the RCU diskette into the diskette drive and reboot the system.  
2. Press <Enter> when the Welcome screen appears.  
The Main menu is displayed.  
3. Select Step 5: Save and Exit, and then follow the online instructions to save the  
current system configuration information.  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
NOTE: The RCU recognizes microprocessors operating at 450 MHz and faster. The  
latest version of the RCU is available at  
1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect the  
power cable from the electrical outlet.  
2. Open the system cover.  
See your systems Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for specific instruc-  
tions, if needed.  
3. Remove the air blower, if present (see Figure 1-3).  
a. Unplug the Y-shaped air blower power cable from the interposer board.  
b. Position your right thumb on the outside of the power supply enclosure  
beside the narrower front part of the air blower.  
c. Push firmly on the power supply enclosure to move it slightly away from the  
air blower and allow extra clearance to remove the air blower.  
d. With your left hand, pull the front of the air blower upward and away from  
the power supplies to unseat it. You should hear it unsnap.  
By pulling the air blower slightly away from the power supplies, you avoid the  
need to use excessive force to clear the power supply enclosure.  
e. Slide the air blower slightly up and toward the front of the chassis until the  
metal tab at the back right of the air blower slides out of the small slot at the  
top back of the chassis.  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
air blower  
power supply  
air blower  
power cable  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢚꢈꢆꢆꢉꢅꢊꢋꢌꢁꢍꢂꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆꢛꢁꢄꢆꢜꢙꢋꢝꢅꢄ  
4. Remove the SEC cartridge and heat sink as follows.  
a. Pull the tab on one side of the guide-bracket assembly away from the end of  
the heat sink and pull up slightly on the SEC cartridge and heat sink (see  
Figure 1-4).  
b. Pull the tab on the other end of the guide-bracket assembly to disengage the  
tab on the heat sink. Then lift the SEC cartridge and heat sink away from the  
guide-bracket assembly (see Figure 1-4).  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
heat sink  
SEC cartridge  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ  ꢈꢆꢆꢉꢅꢊꢋꢌꢁꢍꢂꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆ!ꢐꢕꢆꢕꢓꢄꢎꢄꢁꢖꢂꢅꢆꢓꢍꢖꢆ"ꢅꢓꢎꢆ!ꢁꢍ#ꢆꢀꢄꢋꢊꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆ  
$ꢋꢝꢅꢄꢐꢖꢂꢅꢆꢗ %&   
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ ꢔꢔꢇꢎꢕꢒꢍꢙꢇꢕꢈꢋꢑꢓꢒꢑꢓꢋꢎꢏꢏꢓꢑꢇꢋꢓꢉꢉꢎꢋꢍꢓꢑꢏꢇꢕꢚꢏꢍꢇꢜꢎꢇꢒꢓꢒꢚꢔꢌꢍꢎꢊꢇꢗꢈꢍꢐꢇꢌꢇ  
1. Slide the SEC cartridge and heat sink into the guide-bracket assembly and firmly  
seat them in the assembly until the tabs snap into place over the ends of the heat  
sink (see Figure 1-5).  
Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  
heat sink  
SEC cartridge  
ꢀꢁꢂꢃꢄꢅꢆꢇ %ꢈꢆꢆꢘꢍꢔꢎꢓꢙꢙꢁꢍꢂꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆ'ꢅꢝꢆ!ꢐꢕꢆꢕꢓꢄꢎꢄꢁꢖꢂꢅꢆꢓꢍꢖꢆ"ꢅꢓꢎꢆ!ꢁꢍ#ꢆꢘꢍꢎꢋꢆꢎꢏꢅꢆ  
$ꢋꢝꢅꢄꢐꢖꢂꢅꢆꢗ %&  
2. Replace the air blower, if it was removed in step 3 of the previous procedure (see  
Figure 1-3).  
a. Position your right thumb on the outside of the power supply enclosure  
beside the narrower front part of the air blower.  
b. Push firmly on the power supply enclosure to move it slightly toward the  
power supplies, allowing extra clearance to install the air blower.  
c. Hold the air blower above the heat sink while tilting the back of the air blower  
slightly down and toward the back of the chassis.  
d. Slide the metal tab at the back right of the air blower carefully into the  
topmost slot at the top back of the chassis.  
e. With your left hand, push down firmly on the front of the air blower until you  
hear it snap into place.  
f. Make sure that the top of the air blower is level; if it is not level, lift out the air  
blower and reinstall it making sure the tab goes into the slot at the very top  
of the back chassis.  
g. Plug in the Y-shaped blower power cable to the connector on the interposer  
3. Replace the system cover.  
4. Reconnect your system and peripherals to their power sources.  
1-10 Dell PowerEdge 2450 Systems Information Update  

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